Monday, September 2, 2013

Giant Weapon Vehicle

Giant Weapon Vehicle

Malapatan is a coastal town in Sarangani Province comprised of twelve (12) barangays (smallest government unit). Its territorial boundaries stretches from ridge to reef, and seven (7) of which are inland areas, mostly uphill.  Access to said far-flung areas with rough roads and all, going to and fro takes hours, as there are areas wherein it takes 10 or more times crossing the same river to get to the destination. 

Thanks to the ingenuity of Filipinos, the giant weapon was conceptualized (see photo on the right). 

It has got big tires, the size of which almost as big as the tri-sikad (pronounced as tri- (like triangle) -si-kad) -- a motorcycle for public transport with extension which can accommodate up to five passengers). The giant weapon is not a ready-made vehicle one can buy in autoshops or online. It is custom-built according to one's preferences in spare part-brands, height, no. of passengers or goods it can accomodate.

They are usually used in delivering and transporting goods to Malapatan far-flung areas, and most of the time, they are filled with passengers, too. It takes big wheels like that of the giant weapon to trek the slopy, rocky roads and cross rivers almost 10 time just to reach far-flung area .

Giant Weapon Vehicle

Government and private outreach programs like medical and dental missions to Malapatan far-flung areas are made successful with the utilization of the giant weapon/s. Rain or shine, with flooded river or dry river, will deliver goods and passengers - young and old, safe and sound to the inland, uphill area/s. 

Experience malapatan by riding one of these giant weapon vehicles in your next visit to our place ...

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