Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DID YOU KNOW? Malapatan Facts & Figures Series 001

DID YOU KNOW? Malapatan, Sarangani 
facts & figures

Great to have data available at the click of a button - colorful animated visuals makes research, writing, and online reading a lot more fun. Guess what i just explored, prezi.com. been awhile actually i had known the link but never really had the time to sit down on work on something optimizing prezi. Slideshare is fun, too, but prezi offers a lot more with its array of templates, 3D at that. I really find it very useful for presentations.

So here goes my first prezi for my blog... DID YOU KNOW ? Malapatan Facts & Figures Series 001. It took me awhile to get to navigate its features. In
due time i'll sure get the hang of it, and finish one presentation in a breeze.

Just click http://prezi.com/heceztzewyio/did-you-know-malapatan-facts-figures-series-001/ to be directed to my presentation. Hope you like and enjoy it ! 

DID YOU KNOW? Malapatan Facts & Figures Series 001

Watch out for my next prezi!

For related links :

Pinakamalan Dish
Malapatan Business Community

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